No Pain

It is now a week since I finished radiotherapy and so far, not much in the way of side effects. I must not get complacent as the effects can continue to get worse for some time after the treatment has ended. I am sorry if I am repeating myself but I cannot praise the staff in the radiotherapy department of Southampton General Hospital enough. They are superb!

As for the hormone therapy, it is over three weeks since I changed to a different drug and my life has been transformed. I was in so much pain before and it has completely gone. The hot flushes continue and have become slightly more intense but I am happy to take that instead of the pain. I will be on this drug for the next twenty one months but at last some light at the end of the tunnel.

I have to be wary that other things could be occurring unnoticed, such as thinning of my bones and loss of muscle tone but I can try and counter that by regular exercise. However, before I embark on any exercise program, I have to have a scan to check out my heart murmur. The scan is scheduled for two days time.